Trends and Insights for Hotel Industry
Hotel Guest Engagement Factsheet
Hotel Guest Engagement Factsheet
Engagement is fast becoming the dominant factor when guests select their preferred hotels.
Engagement is fast becoming the dominant factor when guests select their preferred hotels. This has driven almost all hospitality companies to start focusing their attention on increasing positive engagement with guests.
For brands looking for hard facts and figures, we’ve gathered a selection of powerful statistics that make a strong case for investing in guest engagement.
Our Hotel Guest Engagement Factsheet will present a clear picture of the importance of investing in guest interaction. It will also reveal the growing potential of the online travel industry and the influence wielded by digitally-engaged guests.
In this factsheet, you’ll find out why every brand in the hospitality industry – regardless of whether big or small – should invest in increasing guest engagement. In addition, you’ll find examples showcasing how these investments have resulted in added value and ROI for companies today.